Meant To Be Eaten

Allen Weiss on the French gastronomic meal as "immaterial heritage"

Episode Summary

Producer of what may be the majority of scholarship on chou farci in existence on this planet, Allen Weiss is the author of multiple works (theoretical, gastronomic, and creative), creator of the ""Ingestion"" column in Cabinet, and had served on the scientific committee that proposed to UNESCO ""the French gastronomic meal"" be named part of the world's immaterial heritage. He currently teaches at NYU.

Episode Notes

Producer of what may be the majority of scholarship on chou farci in existence on this planet, Allen Weiss is the author of multiple works (theoretical, gastronomic, and creative), creator of the ""Ingestion"" column in Cabinet, and had served on the scientific committee that proposed to UNESCO ""the French gastronomic meal"" be named part of the world's immaterial heritage. He currently teaches at NYU.

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